English Language Learning
Wenn der Einleitungssatz in der Gegenwart (say, tell,...) steht, bleibt die Zeitform gleich. Wenn er aber in der Vergangenheit (said, told,...) steht, ändert sich die Zeitform. In der folgenden Übersicht ist diese Änderung dargestellt.
Direkte Rede Present simple Present progressive Past simple Past progressive Present perfect simple Present perfect progr. Future |
Indirekte Rede Past simple Past progressive Past perfect Past perfect progressive Past perfect simple Past perfect progressive Conditional I |
Direkte Rede go am/is/are going went was/were going has/have gone has/have been going will go |
Indirekte Rede went was/were going had gone had been going had gone had been going would go |
Beispiel: Peter said, "Carol is a nice girl." Peter said (that) Carol was a nice girl.
Diese Verben werden nicht verändert: might, could, would, should
He said, "I might arrive late." He said (that) he might arrive late.
Es ist nicht notwendig die present tense in die past tense umzuändern, wenn die Aussage der direkten Rede noch immer zutreffen oder es sich um eine allgemeine Aussage handelt.
Frank said, "My sister is a secretary." Frank said (that) his sister is (was) a secretary.
He told us, "The sun rises in the east." He told us that the sun rises (rose) in the east.
Wenn in der direkten Rede ein Pronomen steht, muss man dieses verändern, falls es sich auf eine Person im Einleitungssatz bezieht.
Susan said, "My parents are clever scientists."
Susan said (that) her parents were clever scientists.
Tom said, "I like PE best."
Tom said (that) he liked PE best.
They said, "We went swimming with our friends."
They said (that) they had gone swimming with their friend.
Betty said, "Sam told me the truth."
Betty said (that) Sam had told her the truth.
Direkte Rede | Indirekte Rede | |
She said | I - my - me | she - her - her |
He said | I - my - me | he - his - him |
They said | we - our - us | they - their - them |
You and your:
They told her / him / me / them / us, "George likes you."
They told her / him / me / them / us (that) George liked her / him / me / them / us.
They told her / him / me / them / us,"George likes your sister."
They told her / him / me / them / us (that) George likes her / his / my / their / our sister.
They told her / him / me / them / us,"You are clever."
They told her / him / me / them / us (that) she / he / I / they / we was / were clever.
Direkte Rede | Indirekte Rede |
Zeitangaben | |
now | then |
today | that day |
yesterday | the day before |
tomorrow | the next / following day |
last week, month,... | the previous week / the week before |
next week, month,... | the following week, month,... |
a (week,...) ago | a (week,...) before |
Ortsangaben | |
here | there |
this | that |
these | those |
Beispiel: She said, "I have already seen Carol today." She said (that) she had already seen Carol that day.
Wenn ein Fragewort vorhanden ist, wird dieses auch in der indirekten Rede verwendet.
They asked me, "Where is the next supermarket?" They asked me where the next supermarket was.
She asked them, "How often do you play golf?" She asked them how often they played golf.
Wenn es kein Fragewort gibt, wird die indirekte Rede entweder mit if oder mit whether begonnen.
She asked me, "Do you like some tea?" She asked me if/whether I liked some tea.
We asked them, "Did she arrive in time?" We asked them if/whether she had arrived in time.
Bei indirekten Bitten verwenden wir (not) to + infinitive.
He asked her, "Could you close the door, please?" He asked her to close the door.
She asked them, "Help me, please." She asked them to help her.
Bei indirekten Aufforderungen verwenden wir ebenfalls (not) to + infinitive.
He told me, "Be quiet!" He told me to be quiet.
She told us, "Don't stay up too late!" She told us not to stay up too late.
Indirekte Rede - Übung 1 - Aussagesätze - mixed tenses
Indirekte Rede - Übung 2 - Aussagesätze - present tense
Indirekte Rede - Übung 3 - Aussagesätze - present tense
Indirekte Rede - Übung 4 - Aussagesätze - mixed tenses
Indirekte Rede - Übung 5 - Aussagesätze - mixed tenses
Indirekte Rede - Übung 6 - Aussagesätze, Fragen, Aufforderungen
Indirekte Rede - Übung 7 - Aussagesätze, Fragen, Aufforderungen
Indirekte Rede - Übung 8 - Fragen, Aufforderungen
Indirekte Rede - Übung 9 - Fragen, Aufforderungen
Indirekte Rede - Übung 10 - Aussagesätze, Fragen, Aufforderungen