English Language Learning





Conjunctions - Exercise 3

Fill in what, when, why, because, who, where, and, but or that.
1. I like Sally, I don't like Bob.
2. She likes her she is always friendly.
3. That's the painting my father bought last year.
4. This is the house I've lived for 9 years.
5. In the morning I always have coffee toast.
6. She is happy her cake tastes good.
7. In our house lives a man is a detective.
8. Tell me you can come.
9. He always thinks he is so clever.
10. We had dinner, watched TV then we went to bed.
11. we arrived, he had already gone.
12. That's the longest test we have ever written.
13. Did you understand he told you that story?
14. I was not really interested in he was talking about.
15. Is this the hotel we stayed last year?